the Arne Awards


Arkitektforeningen - the Danish Association of Architects - has just announced the winners of the Arne prizes for 2021.

The Store Arne was awarded to TREDJE NATUR for their work on the climate mitigation scheme and remodelling and restoration of Enghaveparken.

The Lille Arne or small Arne was awarded to Byrummonitor - Urban Space Monitor - an online magazine on architecture and planning that was launched in 2018 by the Politiken newspaper group and aimed at municipal administrations, architects, consultants, contractors, investors, planners, politicians and researchers.

It is one of five sites in the Monitor format with the others covering the specific themes of climate, culture, schools and health.

the projects shortlisted for the Store Arne
Enghave Parken

Arkitektforeningen … the awards