Anders Petersen new showroom and workshop

Following the closure of their gallery and showroom on Kløvermarksvej in January, Anders Petersen has opened a new workshop and show room and on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 22, 23 and 24 of June, they opened the doors there to friends and old customers to celebrate.

Their large, high industrial unit - with an upper gallery around three sides - gives them space to show their collection of furniture but there is also a work-shop area where they will make some of the pieces in the collection and where they can develop new designs to take them through to production stage.

Again, the new building is on the east side of Kløvermarken but 140 metres further to the south.

note: the showroom is open now by appointment.

A. Petersen
Reffinaderivej 20K (hal K2)
DK 2300, Copenhagen S



news from the Anders Petersen gallery


Today a newsletter from A Petersen Collection & Craft - the gallery in Copenhagen of Anders Petersen - dropped into my mail box.

With the lockdown of the pandemic, the whole gallery has been closed but the display and retail area on the ground floor has just been allowed to reopen.

It will be several weeks before the gallery and exhibition area on the first floor can reopen - all museums and public galleries in the city are closed - but the really good news is that Anders Petersen has managed to extend the period for the exhibition that shows the work of the Swedish designer Åke Axelsson.

This is an amazing exhibition. The designer has just celebrated his 89th birthday and is still working. Although it is fairly common for galleries to mount 'retrospectives' for living painters or sculptors and even for major potters - for people to see and appreciate the full range of work of the artist through their working life - it is still relatively rare for the works of a furniture designer to be gathered together in this way.

It is a rare privilege to be able to see how the ideas of an amazing imagination develops or evolves to bring designs to realisation and how certain themes reappear as alternative solutions to a problem are explored or as new materials are employed that dictate different forms or require different techniques.


once the government allows galleries to reopen,
Welcome Home Åke!  will continue at A Petersen / Bygning A until Sunday 1 August 2021