unlocking art galleries and museums in the city

All public museums and art galleries in Copenhagen have been closed because of government measures to contain the Coronavirus pandemic.

And all will now have problems with not just introducing virus protection procedures for visitors and staff but, because the closure has extended over nearly three months, programmes for temporary exhibitions have to be rethought or, for some torn up. Museums and galleries closed with major exhibitions barely opened and others had to close and to return borrowed exhibits long before all visitors who wanted to see the exhibitions had had a chance.

Some museums and galleries have been able to open almost immediately recommendations for lockdown eased but for others the process will take more time and for some much more time.

This is a provisional list but the links to their own online sites will take you to up-to-date information …………..

Den Frie opened on 21st May

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art managed to open on 22 May

Of the museums and historic buildings run by the National Museum, The National Museum in Copenhagen is now open
Kronborg is open
Frilandsmuseet - the open air museum - opened on 28th May
but the opening of the new Frihedsmuseet has been postponed

Museet for Søfart is now open

Rosenborg is now open

Arken is now open

Statens Museum for Kunst reopened on 26 May and
their site suggests that the popular exhibition about the work of Anna Ancher may return in November

The Museum of Copenhagen also reopened on 26 May and
their exhibition about the painter Paul Fischer will now continue through to 30 November

Øregaard Museum opened on 27 May

DAC - Dansk Arkitektur Center - is set to open on 8th June

Copenhagen Contemporary will reopen on 25 June

Ordrupgaard remains closed for major building work but is set to reopen in 2021

The really bad news is from Designmuseum Danmark where 80% of their income is from visitors who are tourists. The news at the moment is that some staff will be laid off and the museum may remain closed through to the end of 2021 … in part to bring forward crucial repairs to the building.