museums and galleries online

Museums and galleries in the city are closed but, unless the situation changes and there are new instructions from the government, then the plan, at the moment, seems to be that they will reopen after 13th April.

For many of the museums and galleries this has meant that important temporary exhibitions have closed.

Some of the museums and galleries have boosted the material on their online sites so Designmuseum Danmark now has a Digital Guide; the site for Statens Museum for Kunst, The National Gallery in Copenhagen, has a new site SMK.OPEN and already had an amazing online catalogue of major works where you are welcome to download high-resolution images and the Louisiana Channel, from the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, is a brilliant resource.

Designmuseum Danmark
Statens Museum for Kunst
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

Statens Museum for Kunst
Portrait of the Copperplate Engraver CE Sonne circa 1826
by Ditlev Blunck

the images on line have a brief text with information about the artist and their period to put the work in context …. select this image and that will take you to the gallery page and from there you can explore the collection