Bitpark - Walk on Water

Through the meeting of World mayors at the C40 summit in Copenhagen in October 2019, there were exhibitions throughout the city.

Down on the quay, between BLOX and Langebro, the Danish architect Marco Maycotte and the American architect Alexander Coulson presented Walk on Water to show their ongoing project Bitpark …. a modular system of pavilions that could be anchored in the harbour for sustainable production of food including oysters, kelp, seaweed, or shellfish - aquaculture - and to provide a platform for a variety of leisure activities.

The modules are designed to be linked together to form platforms of different sizes and, with the platforms set at different levels, they can be configured to create islands in the harbour or board walks to extend the existing quay out into the harbour or even to form bridges across the harbour or a new city square for an outdoor cinema or a market or a food market.

C40 Summit of World Mayors