danish architecture and design review

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my Safari bookmarks are in better order than my book shelves


One problem with still buying design books is that they tend to spend weeks ‘filed’ like this … the stack of newly-bought books just next to my desk. At least they are in easy reach.

For several years I worked in an office with an archaeologist who seemed to spend every lunch break buying books. He had run out of book shelves at home - or rather he had run out of walls without windows or doors where he could put book cases. His first solution was to double stack books on each shelf and after that leave a pile of books on each step of the staircase. When he ran out of empty treads his wife finally gave him an ultimatum … no more books. He agreed but perversely felt that the opt-out clause of the agreement was to leave all new purchases in the office. That was fine until the day he retired and he had to clear his office and take several car loads of new books home. Sorely tested his marriage.

I’m nowhere near that bad but have just found these book ends from Norrgavel in their Malmö shop which means I can at least put the piles of books on the window sills in some sort of order. The book ends are oak with a base and support in powder-coated steel … strong, beautifully made and quite simple and subtle. Neat design solution for now … until of course the window sills fill up.