Hahnemanns Køkken

Hahnemanns Køkken from across the square ... perhaps not the prettiest of views right now but wait until all the planting and the water-filled canals go in 



Coffee and a cake at Hahnemanns Køkken was not the reason for going up to Sankt Kjelds Plads … honest … although it might have influenced the decision to go back a few days later … to retake one photograph of the square with the sun in a better position … or that was the excuse … and have another coffee and cake while I was there.

The café and food shop that also sells kitchenware, tableware and cookery books along with space for cookery demonstrations and cooking classes was opened here by Trine Hahnemann in February.

There are tables out at the front, facing south across the square, and from here you can watch all the engineering works and track progress as trees and shrubs are planted and the features like canals or ponds filled with water. Drawings indicate that this paved area in front of the café will be enlarged so it will be able to take full advantage of the new urban landscape once the water features and planting become established.

Hahnemanns Køkken
Sankt Kjelds Plads 14