danish architecture and design review

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the Danish Design Awards on Bryghuspladsen

There is an exhibition on the square in front of BLOX for the annual Danish Design Awards that were announced on the 11th June.

Presumably this was planned for the lobby of the DI building so obviously there were compromises to move it to an outdoor space but the display panels now have hefty concrete bases and this means that they are much too high …. I am over 6ft tall and even I found it a painful, neck-stretching business to read the upper part of each panel …. surely an odd mistake for the Design Centre to make. The web site from the Design Center for the Awards is good but the odd scattering of display panels across this public space - designed to be seen by a team of basketball players - misses an opportunity to get the information across to a wider number of people.

the exhibition on the square continues at
BLOX, Bryghuspladsen, 1473 København K
until 23 June 2020

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