danish architecture and design review

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Optur at the A Petersen Gallery is to continue

Kuglebanen til det offentlige rum / The Ball Run for Public Spaces

Optur - the current exhibition at the Anders Petersen Gallery in Copenhagen - shows the work of both the furniture maker Teis Dich Abrahamsen and his sister, the artist Louise Dich Abrahamsen, but, of course, with the crisis of coronavirus, the gallery has not been open.

The exhibition was due to end today - the 29th March - but the gallery has just sent out an email newsletter and has updated their online site to say that it has been agreed with the artists that, once restrictions are lifted and the gallery reopens, the exhibition can continue until 2nd August.

It’s an exhibition about the creative process and the inspiration for art and about the skill and ingenuity of a master craftsman. These amazing structures explore movement through incredibly complicated spaces that are part maze, part toy, part wunderkammer or cabinet of curiosities but with a stripped-down Danish aesthetic and a fascination with different timbers.

The works are mesmerising and this could hardly be a better antidote to the stress from the shutdown when the city reopens.

A Petersen Gallery
Teis Dich Abrahamsen