danish architecture and design review

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Broens Skøjtebane / Bridge Street Iceskating

On top of everything else, Coronavirus seems to have distorted time. Autumn seems to have come and gone with barely a trace because the ice skating rink at the south end of the inner harbour bridge - Broens Skøjtebane - has just been set up on the square between the warehouses and the canal where, until recently, people were sitting out to eat at the food market.

The city is quieter than you would expect at this time of year and many of the traditional events have been cancelled or scaled back so there will be no skating this year outside the gates to the park at Frederiksberg; there will be no Christmas markets at Højbro Plads and Kongens Nytorv; and the launch of the Tuborg Julebryg - the special Christmas Ale - so an important evening on the calendar and always on the first Friday in November - was cancelled for the first time since the tradition was established in 1981.

Broens Skøjtebane / Broens Ice Skating Rink