danish architecture and design review

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it’s not just sunbathing and swimming at Islands Brygge 

100% Foreign from Metropolis is now at Amager Kulturpunkt, Øresundsvej 6 until 20 September (photograph by METROPOLIS)


The harbour park at Islands Brygge is not just about sun and swimming …. far from it.

For the recent Harbour Festival there were bands and groups performing and Kulturhuset - about half way down the park - has a full program of events through the year including jazz concerts, dance sessions and hosting a Sunday flea market. 

Over the summer Metropolis staged several events here including their exhibition of photographs - 100% Foreign - about immigration to the city - with the personal stories of 100 refugees who have arrived in Copenhagen and made their homes here since 1956.

Close to Kulturhuset, is Bryggens Book Cupboard … a curious and amazing example of what happens when you give citizens outdoor space they can use for anything. They use it for anything and that includes a free book-lending service.

 May 2017 …. the search for a carpenter to build the cupboard

Bryggens Book Cupboard

The book cupboard came as a thought to share
as well as to create a common place on the pier where literature lovers
and others can find a good book, meet and be inspired.

You can put in all the books you want. 
Put useful books you think could tempt others.

You are welcome to take the books you want
However, there is a maximum of 3 books a day,
this is to avoid hamstring.

You are welcome to take 3 books again tomorrow :)

We will try a team order.
Help us keep the cupboard in order so it always seems inviting.

We hope to use that diligent, good reading!


Søren & Thomas