housekeeping on the site

I have just made a few changes to the layout of the site to help readers get to specific posts more quickly and in a way that is, hopefully, a bit more rational. Quick links to certain sections of the site are now in the right-hand column where you will find a link to the last 30 posts as an index page, if you want to check on what you might have missed, and there is now an index to all posts by month as another way of searching.

The link to a list of exhibitions about architecture or design at Scandinavian museums and galleries has been moved down from the top navigation bar and is now under the heading current exhibitions. There are in addition, in that right-hand column, links to index pages for reviews of exhibitions and reviews of books.

Category links below the calendar will take you to the posts for, for instance, all the book reviews or all the posts about textiles, in full.

The top navigation bar is now primarily for an index to longer posts and for introductions to architects, designers, craftsmen and so on which I hope will build up to form a quick access point for basic information with links to further reading on other on-line sites.