Karmstol by Edvard Thomsen 1930

This chair, designed in 1930 by Edvard Thomsen (1884-1980) is interesting because it has features that suggest that its design is transitional … in part looking back to the style of older chairs that were an interpretation of classical forms and historic styles but in part the chair incorporates modern ideas and modern joinery.

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chair by Edvard Thomsen in Designmuseum Danmark

chairs and pews for Søndermarkens Krematorium by Edvard Thomsen circa 1927



Edvard Thomsen (1884-1980) was an important figure through the 1920s and 1930s in that period when what we would now recognise as modern architecture emerged.

His work as an architect is generally classified, in terms of style, as New Classicism.

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